ICO sold out in 14 minutes, Uniswap Listing 15 JAN 18 UTC: Details

MSGT.IO (UniDexGas.com)
2 min readJan 15, 2021


Thank you for the overwhelming response for the UniDexGas (UNDG) ICO. We realize it is because of the reputation and confidence we built through our successful and proven first project UniDexBot.com and we feel more responsible and committed to make UniDexGas (UNDG) a success too.

Uniswap Listing Details:

Date and Time: 15 JAN 18:00 UTC
Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20210115T18&p0=1440&msg=UniDexGas+%28UNDG%29+Uniswap+Listing+%28ICO+sold+out+in+7+mins%29&font=slab
Liquidity pool: 1500 UNDG + 250 ETH
Listing Price: 6 UNDG/ETH
ICO price was: 7 UNDG/ETH for UNDB license holders and 6.5 UNDG/ETH for others
UNDG token address: 0xa5959e9412d27041194c3c3bcbe855face2864f7
Uniswap Pair: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0xa5959e9412d27041194c3c3bcbe855face2864f7

Special condition for sellers in the first 5 minutes: Once the Uniswap pair is created, we need to add the Uniswap contract to the list of untaxed addresses. This is by the nature of the contract that makes UniDexGas function as intended in the Whitepaper. The dev will message “Go!” in https://t.me/UniDexGasNews That will be the indication that you can now sell tax-free. However, if you decide to sell before this signal, your sales will have a 4% tax.

We will make the cashback system Live from 16 JAN 18:00 UTC

We have already applied for Coingecko listing:

Enquiries @BitCoinly

UniDexGas TG: https://t.me/UniDexGas
TG News: https://t.me/UniDexGasNews
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unidexgas
Website: https://unidexgas.com/
App: https://unidexgas.com/app/
Medium: https://unidexgas.medium.com/
UniDexBot TG: https://t.me/usw_bot



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